Main Training Events & Conferences | Month | |
1 | 5G STEP FWD Complementary Course 1: Writing scientific papers and patents | M10 DONE FEB.2019 |
2 | 5G STEP FWD Complementary Course 2: Presentation techniques | M10 DONE FEB.2019 |
3 | 5G STEP FWD School 1: HetNets and Small Cell Networks: Theory, Standardization and Challenges | M12 DONE SEP.2018 |
4 | 5G STEP FWD School 2: An overview of mmWave communications for 5G: Benefits and Challenges | M12 DONE MAY.2019 |
5 | 5G STEP FWD School 3: PONs: architectures, MAC and Resource Allocation techniques | M18 DONE FEB.2020 |
6 | 5G STEP FWD School 4: Fiber-wireless (FiWi) access networks: Challenges and opportunities | M18 DONE FEB.2020 |
7 | 5G STEP FWD Complementary Course 3: Standardization | M48 DONE JUN.2021 |
8 | 5G STEP FWD Complementary Course 4: EC funding and project management | M48 DONE JUN.2021 |
9 | 5G STEP FWD School 5: Modeling, analysis and simulation of wireless & optical networks | M37 DONE JUN.2020 |
10 | 5G STEP FWD School 6: Testbeds and real life experiment for mmWave and Fiber networks | M37 DONE JUN.2020 |
11 | 5G STEP FWD Complementary Course 5: Entrepreneurship, market exploitation, business plan | M40 DONE SEP.2020 |